We understand how taxing it can be waiting on results, which is why we pride ourselves on our fast results! Follow your surgeon or GP’s advice on when to book in to receive your results.
Please let your surgeon know if you would like your results sent to any additional medical professionals.
If you have a medicare card you are unlikely to receive a bill from us. If you have, please call our offices to confirm your details are correct on our system. Sometimes tissue may require additional specialised testing to diagnose. In such cases we will oncharge you the fee we receive from the specialised testing facility.
If you are an overseas visitor, you will receive a bill in the mail which can be claimed from your insurance once paid.
Your sample is processed in our medical equipment to produce slides which are examined under a microscope. A pathologist examines the slides and writes a report with their medical opinion on what is happening in your body. Your specialist and/or GP will read and interpret this report for you.
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If you would like any further information on any of our policies, procedures, or anything else, please get in touch.
You can contact us via the methods listed in the footer on every page.
Metropath is an independent Australian pathology company, founded in 2007. We provide fast turnaround times on all types of Histopathology for specialist doctors and general practitioners across the country.
Accreditation number 15603
Phone 03 9421 1399
Fax 03 9421 0699
6 York Street, Richmond, VIC, 3121